remains a city known for its wealth; built off the back of the oil
it now flourishes in tourism, real estate, and financial services. All that cash floating around evidently means one thing: lawbreakers drive highly expensive, fast cars. So, in response, the Dubai Police Department added an even faster car to its fleet – a 700-hp Lamborghini Aventador.

it now flourishes in tourism, real estate, and financial services. All that cash floating around evidently means one thing: lawbreakers drive highly expensive, fast cars. So, in response, the Dubai Police Department added an even faster car to its fleet – a 700-hp Lamborghini Aventador.
Here in the U.S., we now focus on fuel efficiency from our cop cars rather than brute strength; philosophies between the two countries couldn’t differ more wildly.
A recent study of several Ontario, Canada based police departments found the “average police car spends two-thirds of a 10-hour shift idling.” That translates to more than six gallons of fuel wasted over two shifts each day. Imagine how much fuel the Aventador will burn. Dubai has been burning through oil quickly enough as it is.
No word on which lucky Dubai cop gets to pilot the beastly machine, nor if they require special driver training. One thing's for sure, if we introduced a 217 mph Lamborghini into the U.S. police fleets, applications to become a cop would be at an all-time high.
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