
Thursday 30 August 2012

Gemma Atkinson, Cristiano Ronaldo’s Ex-GF pours her heart out for the First Time

Gemma has been keeping low profile since her breakup with football’s
flamboyant star Cristiano Ronaldo but now she has given vent to her deep feelings and we are thankful to the lady that she has shown us of her trueself:-

 Cars are a huge passion for me.
I started out with a Mini Cooper, and after that I had a BMW X3 and
a Range Rover. Right  now I’ve got a Mercedes CL 63, but I’m about to trade it in for an ML 250 4x4. I’m more practical than romantic when it comes to choosing a car. I wouldn’t go for one just because it looked sexy. Ultimately I’m looking for a good, reliable drive.

I’ve always felt like a boy trapped in a girl’s body. 

Growing up I was a total tomboy – I would have loved to have been a boy. I was far more interested in climbing trees and mucking about with my dad’s toolbox than hanging out with other girls. My main interests were boxing, motocross, Formula 1 and superbikes. I got my first BMX when I was five. For me it was always about driving as fast as possible. I was the kid who was always coming home with her body covered in cuts and bruises. I was more of a lad than most of the lads in my neighbourhood.

I’ve been o­ffered serious money to talk about my relationship with Cristiano Ronaldo.

It’s common knowledge that I dated Cristiano and another footballer, Marcus Bent. I won’t talk about my exes for the simple reason that if you choose to splash your private life across the newspapers, you have to accept that no one will take you seriously when things go wrong and you ask them to respect your privacy. It’s the same with paparazzi. I once got in my car and the pap ran round the other side, opened the door, then lay on the floor of the car while I was getting in. I don’t see any point in being angry about it. If you know there are going to be photographers camped outside a nightclub and you don’t want to be photographed, don’t go to that nightclub.

I’m a daredevil – I’ve swum with sharks, walked the Great Wall of China and thrown myself off­ a 700ft-high bridge.

To be that close to great whites was very emotional for me. I cried my eyes out when it was over. The Great Wall was part of an event organised by Olivia Newton-John’s breast-cancer-awareness charity, and the bridge was for a show I did with Jack Osbourne. I bungee-jumped offthe spectacular Bloukrans Bridge in South Africa. It’s not really the sort of thing you can prepare for. If you think about it too much beforehand the fear will get to you. You have to put all your trust in the hands of a complete stranger and believe that he knows what he’s doing when he straps you in. There’s a moment of terror when you jump. The exhilaration comes with the free fall. When it’s all over and you’re swinging in mid-air, the relief is overwhelming.

I could have been a country & western star.

At one time I had producers in Nashville interested in doing an album of songs with me. I realised I was spreading myself too thin and I was unable to give myself properly to one thing. I had to make a decision. Acting was my main passion, so I kicked modelling and music into touch.

Were I to get into a fight with Angelina Jolie, I reckon I could take her out. 

I kick-box five times a week. I wouldn’t say I’m an expert, but I can handle myself. Jolie is a mother now, so she’s probably lost a bit of her edge; I’ve still got mine.

When it comes to on-screen smooching, there are strict dos and don’ts.

I’ve done my fair share of this, and there are some things you don’t do. For example, unless it’s in the script, there’s a strict ‘no tongues’ rule. On Hollyoaks I seemed to spend most of my time kissing Marcus Patric; we got so used to it that we ignored the rules and played tricks on each other. One time he ate a pickled onion before the big kiss...

I keep my dead father’s shoes in mint condition.

My father died when I was 17 and my grandma gave me his very first pair of shoes. I keep them hanging on the door of my bedroom wardrobe to remind me what a special man he was. When I have a child I’ll pass them on to him.

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